The Human Side of Digital Revolution: Assessing Digital Skill Gaps in Manufacturing SMEs through KITT4SME Worker Profiler

The Human Side of Digital Revolution: Assessing Digital Skill Gaps in Manufacturing SMEs through KITT4SME Worker Profiler The digital revolution is affecting the way we work and live: companies that have invested in innovation in recent years need to upgrade their internal skills to maximise their return on investment. Despite the great interest in the...
May 15, 2023

The Human Side of Digital Revolution: Assessing Digital Skill Gaps in Manufacturing SMEs through KITT4SME Worker Profiler

The digital revolution is affecting the way we work and live: companies that have invested in innovation in recent years need to upgrade their internal skills to maximise their return on investment. Despite the great interest in the topic, there is still a lack of tools capable of detecting the impact that technology is having on the world of work and on specific skills. This is mainly due to the fact that technological change is increasingly difficult to measure, given its rapidity of transformation and unpredictability. In the light of this, one of the objectives of the KITT4SME project was to design a tool capable of defining the key digital competences to be acquired by workers in the manufacturing sector: the Worker Profiler. The tool, specifically, is able to provide three different gaps: what a worker needs to acquire in order to be aligned with what is foreseen for the same profile by international skills benchmarks (ICD) (“should do” gap), what a worker should acquire in order to realise an effective job rotation (“want to do” gap) and what a worker should acquire in order to realise his ambitions (“wish to be” gap). The tool was found to be intuitive and valuable during pilot testing and the methodology followed to build it proved to be scalable and easily applicable in new contexts.


R2B event, physical event in Bologna l’Arena 3 – padiglione 21  | Thursday June 8th 15.00-15.50 CET 


15′ Introduction & KITT4SME & Partners’ presentation

15′ The Worker Profiler: Aim and Value of the Tool for Small and Medium Manufacturing Enterprises

10′ Simulation of the Worker Profiler

5′ Q&A and Greetings

Author: CSIC21 CSIC21