Software Catalogue

KITT4SME platform

KITT4SME project specifically targets European SMEs and mid-caps to provide them with scope-tailored and industry-ready hardware, software and organisational kits, delivered as modularly customisable digital platform, that seamlessly introduce artificial intelligence in their production systems.

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Application services

AI for Quality Inspection Systems with data augmentation for continuous evaluation, fine tunning and re-configuration of quality control.
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AI solutionR2M
Vision for Quality ExcellenceNo public demo availableDeep learning image processing that inspects and evaluates the quality of manufacturing parts.
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AI solutionRovimatica
Shop Floor Anomaly Detection System Learning solution for real-time welding point anomaly detection and welding output Joules forecasting.
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AI solutionGinkgo (Eraneos Group)
Insight GeneratorNo public demo availableIt provides pivotal insights to optimise manufacturing systems. Insight Generator uses machine-learning techniques to analyse historical data and determine the most suitable configuration to optimise a manufacturing system depending on user-defined KPIs.
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AI solutionCSIC
Manufacturing Process Management SystemNo public demo availableOrchestrates humans and machines involved in a production line by keeping a model of the production process to timely assign tasks and coordinate work.
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AI solutionCSIC and European Dynamics
Fatigue Monitoring system FaMS component detects possible psychological (e.g., loss of attention, mental fatigue) or physical (e.g., tiredness) discomfort or harmful situations for a worker. The situations identified by this component can be targeted by other modules to trigger short term intervention, i.e., intervention that can be executed to support a specific worker during the current working shift.
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AI solutionSUPSI
Intervention Manager to define intervention rules for orchestrating a production system.
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AI solutionSUPSI
Production System worker skills and factory needs at various levels whole plant, production line, workplace.
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Digital competences and platform service evolutionHOLONIX and Warsaw University of Technology
Worker Profiler web app that suggests training programmes depending on worker’s skills and aspirations as well their role in the company.
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Digital competences and platform service evolutionHOLONIX and Erre Quadro
Catalogue of Qualified Training Experienceshttps://intellilearn.errequadrosrl.comTBD
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Digital competences and platform service evolutionErre Quadro
Competence Matchmaking Tool Matchmaking Tool (CMT) is a software that matches worker profiles to training experiences/courses based on workers’ competence/skill gaps and the skills offered by training experiences and courses.
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Digital competences and platform service evolutionSUPSI and Erre Quadro


Sensing LayerSensing Layer is an Android .apk file. There is not a public demo. Sensing Layer implements access points, manipulation, storing and routing of the data regarding workplace and workers and coming from different and multiple sources like wearable devices and environment sensors.
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FIWARE middlewareNo public demo available Powered by FIWARE IoT communication, data exchange and interoperability platform
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QuantumLeapNo public demo available Service for storing and querying spatial-temporal IoT data
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Infrastructure services

Marketplacehttps://ramp.euA customisation of the Robotics and Automation Marketplace for the specific needs of the KITT4SME project
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European Dynamics
Data sheets data sheets for module composabilityVTT
SME-Oriented Platform Configurator Platform Configurator operates by taking the probabilities associated with critical issues from the Adaptive Questionnaire as input. It then compares these probabilities with the critical issues addressed by each module/kit, extracted from the Digital Data Sheets. To determine the compatibility level, the algorithm calculates the similarity between the two vectors (by exploiting the cosine distance). The cosine similarity is then interpreted as the percentage of compatibility of a kit, with reference to the specific needs of the company.
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Adaptive QuestionnaireTask lists to actors; current status of process and actors.The Adaptive Questionnaire supports manufacturing SMEs registered in the KITT4SME platform to identify their main production needs and critical issues that AI could solve. SMEs are guided through a set of multiple choice questions and get, at the end, the list of issues. The compilation of the Adaptive Questionnaire allows also to acquire valuable inputs for the other services offered by the KITT4SME platform and, first of all, for the configuration of the kit of customized modules the KITT4SME platform can offer.
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